Exopathos semidea\ Polubozhki Glazastie, “Museum of Artificial History”, Darwin Museum, Moscow, 2021

Creepy paste: 

 The remains of unusual creatures are being found throughout Russia. They  have characteristics of different species. Therefore, they were classified into a separate branch and called Exopathos Semidea, or, popularly, the Eyed Demigods (Polubozhki Glazastie). There are many rumors and disputes around the creatures, and their mystery has not yet been fully solved. It is known that the creatures came into contact with people themselves, and even established a common life and spiritual life together. They say that even now there are hidden settlements where Demigods still live with people. Being infantile creatures, demigods, in exchange for care and feeding, gave people faith and the opportunity to experience various kinds of specific states that enhanced empathy, unity with the Other, allowed them to see the truth and the unconscious of the other, and even influence the weather, and physical and mental health. If we focus not on scientists, but on legends and rumors, then the creatures are either a collective deity or angels. Demigods live in groups of 6 or more individuals. A natural nest looks like a cluster of cocoons of different sizes (private and general apartments of demigods) The structure of their society and political regime changes depending on the historical and environmental context. Over time, the mystical image of demigods has become less active, and now the prevailing view is that they are parasites (human interaction with them occurs orally, as with a face-hugger from an “Alien”) — at one of the excavations, the remains of people whose bodies were captured by demigods were found.


1. Larva 

The demigod larva is attached to the nest using a special suction cup. Then an expanding hole appears in the center of the larva, and the “General” demigod falls out of there.

2. General 

 The demigod hatched from the larva looks completely unremarkable, but it has the rudiments for all types of organs and limbs, which differ from one individual to another. The demigod stays in this form for about a week and a half. They say it is wondering what it should become. And it decides this depending on personal and external circumstances. But, more often than not, she becomes the “member of society” that other individuals need most.

3. Warrior 

 This individual guards the nest and fights other creatures when necessary. Sometimes, there were conflicts or even wars with humans (usually when the demigods were unhappy with human abusive behavior towards other species, each other, or the demigods themselves). The longest war between people and demigods lasted 4 years.

4. Throne 

 Thrones are distinguished from other demigods by their fleshy wings (which serve not only for flight, but also for “walking”). Thrones are engaged in building nests, strengthening them, insulating them, and sometimes replacing them: They can grow together into cocoons.

5. Cherub 

 This individual has special organs of vision (4 pieces at the edges of the body), the lacrimal glands of which secrete substances that promote insight, penetration into the unconscious of another, and recognition of the ultimate truth.

6. Burning Prince 

This type of creature raises the greatest number of questions — on the one hand, it is a prototype of the seraphim (only instead of 6 wings — 4 wings and 2 limbs), on the other hand, it is seen as a prototype of Lucifer, since these individuals exhibit the most deviant behavior among other demigods (they are rowdy). This subspecies secretes poison through a thorn at the bottom of the body, which, when it penetrates a person, causes a burning sensation throughout the body and paralysis, and then the creature can crawl into a person’s head and find out all his secrets and temptations. At the same time, when mixing the poison from the thorn with the tear fluid of the creature, a burning, intoxicating nectar is obtained, which evokes a feeling of God’s fiery love for oneself and one’s neighbor (reference to the seraphim).

7. Invisible Observer 

 The Observer is a scout for the demigods. It has the properties of merging with the environment and even becoming invisible. Everything that was seen by the observer can be seen using the “kiss with God” ritual.

8. Rock-shaped manipulator 

The manipulator adapts the environment to the requirements of the demigods. With its help you can clean water, destroy parasites and bacteria, and heal from diseases and viruses.

The concept:

Empathy has been endlessly present in all directions of my life since childhood — at the time of the emergence of a sense of vulnerability. This project combines my real views and echoes of emotions, as well as my craving for Horror and cryptozoology as intense metaphors of reality. The project appeared using a mixed method: reflection, research, insight, association, etc. The creatures are reference to the hierarchy of angels and the evolution of Pokemon.