Non-obvious responses, Art gallery of Yeltsin Center, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 24. 03 — 2. 06. 2023

There are different ways to interact with the world around us. In everyday life, we often forget about gaming and creative mechanics: with the help of games and art, we can diversify our communication with each other, learn to look at the world differently and understand ourselves better. During the fall laboratory with artist Ksenia Markelova, participants in the Sketches studio explored and tried different ways of artistic interaction, creatively responding to each other’s drawings. The exhibition presents the result of this work in the form of an extensive diagram, in which each drawing responds to one of the previous ones. Viewers can trace how the images changed as the methods became more complex, from literal copying to individual and collective interpretations and fantasies. 

Exhibition curator: Ksenia Markelova.
Curator of the art laboratory “Sketches”: Ksenia Karabanova.
Artists: Maxim Anshin, Timur Akhmadiev, Georgy Burtnik, Nikita Vorobyov, Alexander Gusev, Sofya Darenskikh, Ivan Zaikov, Ilya Kirpishchikov, Ivan Kopylov, Igor Kuznetsov, Daria Krivonogova, Mark Malinovsky, Nikita Motovilov, Anastasia Nikonorova, Anna Osolotkova, Alexey Popov, Natalya Pryanikova, Anastasia Rubtsova, Egor Runov, Denis Trushin, Nastya Franz, Egor Khalikin.
Designers: Lika Zhilina, Anastasia Mazharenko, Maria Patrakova.
Workers on the exhibition: Elena Vozmishcheva, Alina Gilmitdinova, Daria Golubeva, Lyubov Kabalinova, Evgeniy Kutergin, Marina Miritskevich, Airat Nigmatullin, Nikita Perfilyev, Svetlana Usoltseva, Yulia Chertikhina.

 The art studio “ZArisovki” has existed at the Yeltsin Center since 2019, uniting young artists with and without disabilities; both those who are associated with the visual arts as a profession and those who draw for pleasure participate in it on equal terms. The laboratory format implies joint research and the absence of a canon, the opportunity to try and make mistakes, the search for communication within the group and the development of one’s own artistic language. “ZARISOVKI” collaborates with artists, illustrators, animators, and designers. The result of creative collaboration can be different — from an exhibition to a limited line of accessories.